Home delivery flowers with your Foliflora florist!

The Flirty bouquet

5.00 sur 5

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Foliflora presents you this original bouquet that will make rascals smile ... and promises you beautiful, cuddly nights!

Discover this original bouquet of 11 small baskets filled with delicious, tender and tasty chocolates, which will delight gourmets.

How about pursuing the pleasure of tasting with that of daring and loving suggestion? With each little chocolate basket opened, a naughty surprise awaits ... with a gradual discovery of the famous Kâmasûtra!

An original gift that will have its effect, to reserve of course for the most rascals!

By continuing your purchase, you declare that you are over 18 years old.

Deliveries are made in less than 24 hours. Your orders can be routed and delivered the next day, absolutely everywhere in mainland France. Deliveries are made by express transport guaranteeing perfect freshness of the flowers on arrival.

For any order placed before 4:45 p.m., Monday to Friday, you can be delivered the next day. For Monday delivery, you must place your order before 4:45 p.m. the previous Friday. This product cannot be delivered on Sunday.

We only re-invoice part of the logistics costs to our customers, at a sliding scale based on the number of items ordered, the place and date of delivery. The minimum flat rate for express home delivery is € 10.90.

We provide you with online order tracking, accessible at any time and in real time. An order number allows you to follow, on the internet, the progress of your package, time of departure, time of delivery, proof of deposit and delivery.


Below is a selection of comments from customers who have given their opinions on Foliflora after ordering this product. Note that customer reviews are published as is, without correction of spelling or grammar errors.

  1. , the :

    Very easy to order; No problem with delivery, done on time

  2. , the :

    Fast service Very good, on the other hand in the naughty bouquet there were missing chocolates and the little pappier that went inside someone served himself before delivery