Home delivery flowers with your Foliflora florist!

Wild Orchid


5.00 sur 5
Product available Express home delivery

Unlike other phalaenopsis in its family, this orchid is cultivated without a guardian, as one would find it in the wild, in the wild. This is what makes it so special. Its stems that develop without any attachment and its many delicate flowers will delight all lovers of orchids.

The color of the flowers and the pot cover may vary depending on our arrivals.

Deliveries are made in less than 24 hours. Your orders can be routed and delivered the next day, absolutely everywhere in mainland France. Deliveries are made by express transport guaranteeing perfect freshness of the flowers on arrival.

For any order placed before 4:45 p.m., Monday to Friday, you can be delivered the next day. For Monday delivery, you must place your order before 4:45 p.m. the previous Friday. This product cannot be delivered on Sunday.

We only re-invoice part of the logistics costs to our customers, at a sliding scale based on the number of items ordered, the place and date of delivery. The minimum flat rate for express home delivery is € 10.90.

We provide you with online order tracking, accessible at any time and in real time. An order number allows you to follow, on the internet, the progress of your package, time of departure, time of delivery, proof of deposit and delivery.


Below is a selection of comments from customers who have given their opinions on Foliflora after ordering this product. Note that customer reviews are published as is, without correction of spelling or grammar errors.

  1. , the :

    I'm satisfied .

  2. , the :

    Nothing to say delivery as expected top

  3. , the :

    Very satisfied. Speed of sending. Very beautiful plant, consistent with the photo and very well protected by suitable packaging.

  4. , the :


  5. , the :

    Time respected. Very pretty flower conme on your site. Very satisfied

  6. , the :

    Very good performance