Home delivery flowers with your Foliflora florist!


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The Anemone Bouquet is an elegant and lively floral creation showcasing the delicate beauty of this spring flower. With its delicate petals and vibrant colors, this bouquet brings a touch of freshness and joy to any occasion.

Anemones come in a range of vibrant colors, from pure white to bright red to pink, blue and purple. Each anemone features delicate petals and a distinctive dark center, creating a striking visual contrast. Anemones are known for their natural elegance and graceful appearance. Their delicate petals seem to float like butterflies in the air, adding a touch of lightness and sophistication to the floral arrangement.

Anemones are often associated with spring and renewal, symbolizing the rebirth of nature after winter. Offering a bouquet of anemones is a gesture of celebration of life, hope and vitality. This bouquet of anemones is perfect for a variety of occasions, from spring celebrations to gestures of friendship or love. Whether for a birthday, Mother's Day, a wedding or simply to brighten up everyday life, this bouquet is a versatile and popular choice. The Anemone Bouquet is suitable for anyone looking for a fresh and colorful floral gift to celebrate a special occasion or simply to bring joy to a loved one. It is especially loved by those who appreciate the delicate beauty and diversity of spring flowers.

Visual presented: Bouquet of Anemones Generous format

Deliveries are made in less than 24 hours. Your orders can be routed and delivered the next day, absolutely everywhere in mainland France. Deliveries are made by express transport guaranteeing perfect freshness of the flowers on arrival.

For any order placed before 4:45 p.m., Monday to Friday, you can be delivered the next day. For Monday delivery, you must place your order before 4:45 p.m. the previous Friday. This product cannot be delivered on Sunday.

We only re-invoice part of the logistics costs to our customers, at a sliding scale based on the number of items ordered, the place and date of delivery. The minimum flat rate for express home delivery is € 10.90.

We provide you with online order tracking, accessible at any time and in real time. An order number allows you to follow, on the internet, the progress of your package, time of departure, time of delivery, proof of deposit and delivery.


Below is a selection of comments from customers who have given their opinions on Foliflora after ordering this product. Note that customer reviews are published as is, without correction of spelling or grammar errors.

  1. , the :

    A very pretty bouquet corresponding to the order and delivered on time. well done

  2. , the :

    Bouquet well received and magnificent. THANKS !

  3. , the :

    Delivered as expected and lovely bouquet! Thanks!

  4. , the :

    The bouquet was not as big as I expected.

  5. , the :

    Very well..