Home delivery flowers with your Foliflora florist!


This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Bouquet of ruby flowers

The partner florist who will make your bouquet will do everything possible to ensure that the bouquet made resembles that of the visual. However, given its current supply and the season, the bouquet produced may be different from that of the photo.

Deliveries are made in less than 24 hours. Your orders can be sent and delivered the next day, absolutely anywhere in mainland France. Deliveries are made by a local florist close to the delivery location.

For any order placed before 4:45 p.m., Monday to Friday, you can be delivered the next day. For Monday delivery, you must place your order before 4:45 p.m. the previous Friday. This product cannot be delivered on Sunday.

We only re-invoice part of the logistics costs to our customers, at a sliding scale based on the number of items ordered, the place and date of delivery. The minimum flat rate for express home delivery is € 10.90.

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