Home delivery flowers with your Foliflora florist!

The sparkling bouquet


4.93 sur 5
Product available Express home delivery

Foliflora has imagined for you this superb bouquet in sparkling colors, where the wonderful pink flowers of Gerbera and Alstromeria blend into generous foliage with brilliant and tonic greens.

A sparkling bouquet of flowers for a unique gift that will brighten up any interior!

Deliveries are made in less than 24 hours. Your orders can be routed and delivered the next day, absolutely everywhere in mainland France. Deliveries are made by express transport guaranteeing perfect freshness of the flowers on arrival.

For any order placed before 4:45 p.m., Monday to Friday, you can be delivered the next day. For Monday delivery, you must place your order before 4:45 p.m. the previous Friday. This product cannot be delivered on Sunday.

We only re-invoice part of the logistics costs to our customers, at a sliding scale based on the number of items ordered, the place and date of delivery. The minimum flat rate for express home delivery is € 10.90.

We provide you with online order tracking, accessible at any time and in real time. An order number allows you to follow, on the internet, the progress of your package, time of departure, time of delivery, proof of deposit and delivery.


Below is a selection of comments from customers who have given their opinions on Foliflora after ordering this product. Note that customer reviews are published as is, without correction of spelling or grammar errors.

  1. , the :


  2. , the :

    Always happy to go through foliflora to order pretty flowers for special occasions. The compositions are varied and always identical to the photo. thank you

  3. , the :

    Happy with this delivery for my father's birthday Too bad you don't make deliveries on public holidays because I had to have the bouquet delivered the day before so that he could have it on time

  4. , the :

    The bouquet is beautiful, fast delivery despite the confinement

  5. , the :

    The prices are reasonable and the quality of the flowers is very correct, the delivery is a bit expensive but effective.

  6. , the :

    Very good, affordable

  7. , the :

    Perfect The recipient is very satisfied. I will recommend your site and use it again

  8. , the :

    Serious and nickel delivery! I recommend

  9. , the :

    First use, really good

  10. , the :

    Delivery on the scheduled date; pretty bouquet; website very well presented, I recommend the site.

  11. , the :

    Very satisfied with the delivery and the quality of the product and its packaging.

  12. , the :

    Very readable site. Indications respected. Parcel tracking +. Very beautiful bouquet! Delighted with this provider.

  13. , the :

    Deadline respected and bouquet even more beautiful than in the photo

  14. , the :

    Bouquet conforms to the photograph and delivered the same day.

  15. , the :

    The bouquet was as pictured

  16. , the :

    Simple, fast and effective. The bouquet did more than its effect. Thanks

  17. , the :

    Thank you for the best service! Everything was great!

  18. , the :

    Very beautiful bouquet, delivered within the requested time.

  19. , the :

    Very good service

  20. , the :

    Very good service Very nice bouquet and delivered on time I recommend FOLIFLORA

  21. , the :

    Very good bouquet consistent with the photo!

  22. , the :

    Delivery made on the scheduled day and the bouquet was very popular. thank you

  23. , the :

    Fast and effective. Nickel

  24. , the :

    Perfect on timing and quality!

  25. , the :

    Perfect. No complaints. Order, price, delivery everything was perfect

  26. , the :

    Compliant product, received on time. = D

  27. , the :

    Bouquet exactly as on the site, delivered on time. Excellent service!

  28. , the :


  29. , the :

    The bouquet corresponds well to my order therefore satisfied.Delivery made on the right date.Just a downside, my friend not being present the deliveryman left it to her in front of the door (no problem for that, it does not fear by her home ) but in full sun :( it's not cool

  30. , the :


  31. , the :

    Owl bouquet.

  32. , the :

    The recipient of the bouquet was delighted. very nice bouquet.

  33. , the :

    I was sent the photo, the bouquet was beautiful. Impeccable sending time

  34. , the :

    Beautiful bouquet !!!! Very serious seller, I recommend it to you ......

  35. , the :

    Delivered on the requested day and the bouquet was magnificent To be redone

  36. , the :


  37. , the :

    R as

  38. , the :

  39. , the :

    Fast ordering and delivery. beautiful quality of flowers. very beautiful bouquet

  40. , the :

    Apparently the bouquet was consistent with the drawing on the site with perfect packaging. My grandmother was really happy

  41. , the :

    Very well.

  42. , the :

    After having called on Foliflora several times I can not find anything to say, except that it is perfect: the deadlines are respected, the prices very competitive and I will recommend when the opportunity arises.

  43. , the :


  44. , the :

    Good value for money and punctuality in delivery