Home delivery flowers with your Foliflora florist!

Bouquet of the florist


4.91 sur 5
Product available Express home delivery

Subtle creation from Foliflora florists presented here in a very fresh bouquet, with colorful, vibrant, shimmering flowers, and delicately assembled.

Our advice: For better vase hold, cut the stems into bevels and change the water in the bouquet regularly

Deliveries are made in less than 24 hours. Your orders can be routed and delivered the next day, absolutely everywhere in mainland France. Deliveries are made by express transport guaranteeing perfect freshness of the flowers on arrival.

For any order placed before 4:45 p.m., Monday to Friday, you can be delivered the next day. For Monday delivery, you must place your order before 4:45 p.m. the previous Friday. This product cannot be delivered on Sunday.

We only re-invoice part of the logistics costs to our customers, at a sliding scale based on the number of items ordered, the place and date of delivery. The minimum flat rate for express home delivery is € 10.90.

We provide you with online order tracking, accessible at any time and in real time. An order number allows you to follow, on the internet, the progress of your package, time of departure, time of delivery, proof of deposit and delivery.


Below is a selection of comments from customers who have given their opinions on Foliflora after ordering this product. Note that customer reviews are published as is, without correction of spelling or grammar errors.

  1. , the :


  2. , the :

    Simple and clear application, Fast service. I haven't seen the bouquet in person, but my recipient found it very beautiful.

  3. , the :

    Very good response to my expectations.

  4. , the :

    I have ordered 4 times already. Really great service.

  5. , the :

    Delivery and composition of the bouquet appreciated. Thanks

  6. , the :

    Very pretty bouquet. Thanks very much

  7. , the :

    The bouquet was very beautiful

  8. , the :

    Very good especially in full containment Thank you

  9. , the :

    Very beautiful bouquet, delivery ok!

  10. , the :

    Perfect flowers, presentation and service Thank you

  11. , the :

    Quick delivery

  12. , the :

    Very good presentation

  13. , the :

    Bouquet very well. Delivery as agreed. Nothing more to say. If prices are not given, a pity not to deliver on Monday, the day after a feast day (mothers, fathers), we can understand for Sunday itself

  14. , the :

    Great performance

  15. , the :

    Punctual delivery and bouquet as pictured.

  16. , the :

    The order was very well executed and the recipient is very satisfied with the beautiful bouquet and its delivery. Thanks

  17. , the :

    My friend was delighted and surprised at the same time by this beautiful bouquet placed in front of her door. thank you for allowing me to wish him a happy birthday

  18. , the :

    Very satisfied with the service and communication of your company

  19. , the :

    Site very well done and here at least we can put an address with "a place called". Thank you the order arrived on time even in the countryside.

  20. , the :

    Convenient and reliable

  21. , the :

    The website was easy to navigate. The site was easy to navigate.

  22. , the :

    Delivery on the scheduled day. Not having seen the bouquet, I cannot give an opinion.

  23. , the :


  24. , the :

    The delivery on the right day the bouquet very pretty everything is fine thank you

  25. , the :

    Very well. Bouquet arrived in very good condition. Strongly recommend.

  26. , the :

    Delivery time respected, pretty bouquet. Shipping cost a bit too high though.

  27. , the :

    For a first order, everything went perfectly. From the day before, delivery respected, perfect bouquet.

  28. , the :

    Very good service and good products.

  29. , the :


  30. , the :

    I did not see the bouquet but the recipient told me it was beautiful. the deadline was met. real-time internet monitoring. I recommend this site

  31. , the :

    Quite satisfied with the whole

  32. , the :

    Nothing to say, it was my first order on the internet, great

  33. , the :

    The people who received the flowers are very happy whether for party or death very well thank you